Shame on those wishing Buhari dead – Adesina

Mr. Femi Adesina, spokesman to President Muhammadu Buhari has published an article, “The learnt Nothing, and forgot nothing”, where he said shame to those wishing death for Buhari.

He decried the false publications about the death of Buhari and said: “Shame upon evil wishers, purveyors of lies and wickedness.

“Do they have blood running in their veins at all? Do they realize that wishing another person dead, is sin before God?, he asked”

The President is currently in London for follow-up treatment.

Adesina said it was wrong for any group of people to wish the President dead and clone websites of international media houses to announce the falsehood.

“Why do some people want their own President dead? Why do they want the eclipse of a man who is actuated by nothing other than love for his country? Why have they constituted themselves into enemies of national progress, haters of all that is good?

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” But must any human being be hateful to the point of wishing another person dead, and indeed broadcasting a death that never happened? Shame.

“They saw the Deux ex Machina, the Invisible Hands of God, between January and March, but they are so steeped and marooned in unbelief, evil wishes, and malediction, that they have started all over again.

“Last Sunday, they cloned popular websites for the umpteenth time, using them to announce the figment of their diseased imagination.

“They learnt nothing and forgot nothing from the immediate past experience. And you begin to ask yourself, just as the Good Book also asked:”Why do the heathens rage, and the people imagine vain things?” Why do they arrogate to themselves the power that belongs only to God? “I can kill, and I can make alive,” says God in His word.

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“But these purveyors of hate possibly don’t know God. That is why they declare a man dead when God has not said so. Once has God spoken, and twice have I heard it, that power belongs to God.”

Source Nation